Summary Sessions 1-3 Apologetics
Friday, March 07, 2008
8:11 PM
Apologetics - defending the Faith - reasonableness/logic behind our beliefs
Theistic -defending in the reasonableness in one defending Holy loving God who created all things
Christian Apologetics - Jesus is son of God and saved us
Catholic - defend doctrine of Catholic Church - result of poor catechesis - leave Church because they do not understand the faith.
Faith - is an attitude of absolute trust, a fundamental confidence in the power and goodness of God.. Faith inspires a renewal of heart and brings about conversion and commitment.
We must have this to give to others - can't give away something you don't have.
Faith is not static -active not passive always moving
Main Theistic Philosophies
Agnostic - can not know that God exists -
Atheist - we can know and do know that God does not exist
Theist - as Christians we are theist. God wants to have special relationship with his creation
Pantheist - attributes of God are attributed to something or someone in creation - Hinduism, New Age, Medium, Crystals
Polytheist- belief in many gods
Monotheisms - one God
Deist - Thomas Jefferson - does not believe that God relationship with creation - created and watched what would happen (Movie Oh God)
How do we know God?
Knowledge of God is inherent in man (Romans 1:19) Paul talks about God's wrath against idolatry - natural to man to seek God
Known from creation - Rom 1:20 ff -
Revealed thru His Word (John 1:1-4, Rom 10:17)
Knowledge is a gift of Faith - (Matthew 16:17)- Who do you say I am? …flesh and blood did not reveal to you"
Climax is revealed in Jesus (John 1:18) - God as a human walking this earth - knows us because He is one of us - do anything to bring salvation to us - revealed to the maximum in Jesus. Know attributes of God thru Jesus
Revealed thru the Church - (John 16:13, 1Tim 3:15) and our Christian Spirituality -
Five Pillars of Christian Spirituality
Prayer-communication with God - no prayer no spirituality- successful relationships depend on communication-core of Christian spirituality
Study- We can not love God if you do not know God -scripture, teaching of church, lives of Saints, etc
Community- Jesus knew that community was important-part of salvation history- Jesus gathered community together to begin His ministry-Christian spirituality is not individual-it is about others
Service- imitators of Christ are about service "not to be served but to serve"
Covenant Relationship - God with Man
Adam- covenant with couple
Noah - covenant with a family
Abraham -covenant with tribe
Moses - covenant with Nation
David - covenant with Kingdom -
New Covenant - covenant with the whole world - Catholic Church
Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth,
God's creative power is the origin of all that exists
God reveals Himself to us in a continuous act of self-giving
God invites us into relationship
God loves with deep and abiding love of a parent
We discover God in all the goodness of God's world.
Proof the God exist
The first-cause arguments
Argument from design
Augment from Conscience
Argument from History
Argument from Pascal's wager
Pascal's Wager -
If God does not exist and I believe he does in error, I loose nothing
If God does exist, and I continue to refuse to seek and follow him, I could loose everything
Argument from History -
Starts in OT - Judges - sin to slavery to supplication to salvation - cycle of "S"s
New Testament - NT seen in OT , miracles of Jesus
Historically verifiable miracles
The lives of the Saints -
Argument from Design - Fundamentals p 25
All design implies a designer
The universe is very complex
Life is infinitely more complex
Anthropic Principal - all known scientific data indicated that our universe was in fact very carefully engineered and created by God for life on earth The latest discoveries only confirm our beliefs
What the Church teaches about Jesus
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and born of the Father before all ages. (God of God) light of light, true God of true God. Begotten not made, consubstantial to the Father, by whom all things were made.
Result of Aryanism Heresy -
Son of God
Co-equal with Father and Holy Spirit
Of one being with the Father and Holy Spirit
He shares creative power with the Fathe
Jesus suffered and died for us
Salvation only thru Him
We can not earn our salvation
Jesus rose bodily from the dead
Reigns in heaven with the Father
Jesus will return again
Judge living and dead
Kingdom will never end - transcends time
The Trilemma of Christ
Opposite psyc profile
Don't react to Jesus as we would be a lunatic
Resurrection - differs from founders of other religions
Testimony of history
Resurrection foretold
Basis for Christianity
Eyewitness account
Intelligent faith
Written by eyewitnesses
Style was not the style of myth
Early date
Show knowledge of Jerusalem
Gospels are consistent
Eyewitnesses still alive
Extra-biblical testimony
Test of Credibility
Intention test
Character test
Consistency test
Bias test
Cover-up test
Corroboration test
Disciples invented the lie?
No pys trait of liar
No motive
Could nt be successful if lie
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